Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lead Poisoning Treatment

Ok this sounds like a weird topic, however keep reading. Many people have serious health problems and they do not know why. They see doctors who basically guess at what the problem might be. They have headaches, fatigue, irritability, memory loss and other symptoms. It might be lead poisoning. If it is you really need to find a good lead poisoning treatment.

Lead Poisoning Symptoms

Here are a few lead poisoning symptoms that I noticed in myself before I found a proper lead poisoning treatment:
  • Stomach aches, cramping, constipation, or diarrhea
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Persistent, unexplained fatigue
  • Headache
  • Muscle weakness
  • Higher rates of tooth decay
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Memory loss
These were just a few. I also had ringing in my ears but I found out later it was due to having mercury in my body. As it turns out the lead poisoning treatment I used also gets rid of mercury. I will be adding more details to this soon, have to get to work now (boo!)

Okay I came back to add some more information about lead poisoning symptoms and how to treat lead poisoning. First let me explain a little bit how your body gets things such as lead out of your body this process is called chelation and it requires a chelating agent. The chelating agent that most use is called DMSA.  This is a compound or chemical has been in use for over 20 years and is considered very safe. Basically how it works is your body has a natural chelating agent called glutathione.  Glutathione resides inside your cells what happens is glutathione  attaches itself to toxic heavy metals such as lead and mercury and crosses the cell membrane and sits outside of the cell . DMSA then comes along and binds to the glutathione in effect binding to the lead, mercury, and other toxic metals and your body excretes them via the body's natural excretory pathways.

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